Get the Educator Toolkit to access resources for planning and communicating your participation in Civic Learning Week. The toolkit includes planning resources, sample social media posts, graphic assets, and more.
The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation and The Center for Civic Education proudly co-host these programs as part of Civic Learning Week. These sessions are intended for a broad range of educators and participants are eligible to receive documentation of contact hours for professional development purposes.
In this session, we discuss ways to make visible the individuals and groups traditionally underrepresented in our discussions of the Founding Era and whose contributions should be included in any discussion focused on building a more perfect union.
As a result of this session, participants will
Promote critical thinking skills in their classroom by engaging with primary source documents.
Learn strategies to integrate diverse narratives into lessons and units on civics and social studies.
Build community with their students through exploring diverse perspectives.
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Get the Educator Toolkit to access resources for planning and communicating your participation in Civic Learning Week. The toolkit includes planning resources, sample social media posts, graphic assets, and more.
Get the Legislator Toolkit to access resources related to Civic Learning Week.