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| Virtual

Path to Bridging

The flourishing, functional constitutional democracy of tomorrow requires that today’s students develop the bridge-building skills...

| In person

Big Ideas for Little Learners: Responsibility

Salvation Army Kroc Center of Philadelphia 4200 Wissahickon Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Big Ideas for Little Learners is a monthly workshop series held at the Kroc Center...

| Virtual

Podcast: Civic Learning in Florida

The Lou Frey Institute Director, Dr. Steve Masyada, discusses civics in Florida and the efforts...

| Virtual

Deliberations.US: The Electoral College

Deliberations.US is designed to decrease toxic polarization and increase civil discourse, fostering common understanding across...

| Hybrid

Women in Politics

USC Mudd Hall (MHP 203) 3709 Trousdale Parkway, Los Angeles, California, United States

Join the USC Center for the Political Future’s Spring 2023 Fellow Martha Escutia in conversation...

| Virtual

Rule of Law Expert Panel

Join us for a lively discussion of the importance of Rule of Law in the...

| Virtual

First Amendment: Crash Course

Join the First Amendment Museum for a free, virtual crash course on the First Amendment...

| Virtual

Civic Action Office Hours

Attention, educators and administrators! Want advice on bridging divides in your civics classroom, school board...

| Virtual

The Unify Challenge

What is the Unify Challenge? It’s a guided video conversation that you’ll take with another...

| Virtual

What is Civics?

To celebrate Civic Learning Week, Connecticut students, teachers, civics experts and practitioners, and government officials...

| Virtual

Civic Learning with Will Rogers

As a part of Civic Learning Week (March 11-15), the Will Rogers Memorial Museum has...

Educator Toolkit cover

Get the Educator Toolkit to access resources for planning and communicating your participation in Civic Learning Week. The toolkit includes planning resources, sample social media posts, graphic assets, and more.