Get the Educator Toolkit to access resources for planning and communicating your participation in Civic Learning Week. The toolkit includes planning resources, sample social media posts, graphic assets, and more.
Meaningful civic learning starts in the early grades. Hear from educators and other experts about how to lay a strong foundation for civic readiness in the elementary years with a whole child, whole school approach. DemocracyReady NY coalition members organized this event: DK Holland of Inquiring Minds, a youth-serving organization that employs an inquiry-based approach to civic learning, and Carolyn Ostrander of the New York State Grange, a civic organization that advocates for responsible government at all levels.
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Get the Educator Toolkit to access resources for planning and communicating your participation in Civic Learning Week. The toolkit includes planning resources, sample social media posts, graphic assets, and more.
Get the Legislator Toolkit to access resources related to Civic Learning Week.