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| Virtual

Thank Your Civic All-Stars

Take a moment to join leading providers in civics education to thank our educators for...

| Virtual

Lessons for Civic Learning

The Lou Frey Institute and the Florida Joint Center for Citizenship will be sharing key...

| Virtual

#sschat Civic Learning Week

The CivXNow coalition will kick off Civic Learning Week by hosting the weekly #sschat on...

| Virtual

Deliberations.US: The Electoral College

Deliberations.US is designed to decrease toxic polarization and increase civil discourse, fostering common understanding across...

| Hybrid

NYC Youth Civic Hub

From the NYC Civic Coalition, the NYC Youth Civic Hub is a “by-youth, for-youth” portal...

Educator Toolkit cover

Get the Educator Toolkit to access resources for planning and communicating your participation in Civic Learning Week. The toolkit includes planning resources, sample social media posts, graphic assets, and more.

Get the Legislator Toolkit to access resources related to Civic Learning Week.